Canvas Printing



Stretched canvas is stretched around a wooden frame. The frame is strung at the back and ready to hang. 

Canvas prints are "mirror wrapped" where the main image stops at the canvas edge and the wrapped sides are a reflection of the main image.

The canvas print size will be the same dimensions as the selected print size. Stretched canvases are 40mm deep, meaning the mirror reflections will be 40mm deep.

You can print from your iPhone or digital camera.

Just email us with your file and size of canvas required and we will contact you to confirm price and arrange payment and shipping.


An additional tray frame, about 10mm wide, is placed around the stretched canvas with a 10mm shadow gap.

The tray frame will add 20-30mm to the width and length of the finished canvas. 

The Profile Frame is 10mm wide x 55mm deep.

The tray frame is available in White, Natural and Black. We are also able to paint to a specified colour and cost is available by request.

Just email us with your file and size of canvas required and we will contact you to confirm price and arrange payment and shipping.


Subject to file size provided images can be printed much larger on canvas than fine art paper. Canvas is a lot more forgiving on image details and will look good at larger sizes.

If you have a large space to fill, our large format canvas prints will be a perfect option.

Just email us with your file and size of canvas required and we will contact you to confirm price and arrange payment and shipping.